@ECHO OFF REM Simple 'make' replacement for windows-based system, 'npm test' will now find REM 'make.bat' and sets the MYSQL_ enviroment variables according to this file REM Edit the variables according to your system REM No spaces (' ') between variablenames, '=' and the values! REM Host to test with default: localhost SET MYSQL_HOST=localhost REM Default mysql port: 3306 SET MYSQL_PORT=3306 REM For a standard installatons of Wampp using http://www.apachefriends.org/ REM the default login is 'root' and no password, but any user should do, change REM the settings according to your installation SET MYSQL_USER=root SET MYSQL_PASSWORD= REM make sure the database you are using exists and the above user has access to REM it. Normally every user has access to the database 'test' SET MYSQL_DATABASE=test @ECHO ON node test/run.js @ECHO OFF ECHO ********************** ECHO If the tests should fail, make sure you have SET the correct values for the enviroment variables in the file 'make.bat' ECHO **********************